Other resources

The following are sites we know and trust, and we encourage you to visit them and take advantage of the resources and services they offer.

www.doremimusicschool.com A fun, quality music school for kids in the Los Angeles area. They offer Music Lingua classes too!
www.alphabet-garten.com/ Excellent source of German books, music and DVDs for Kids.
www.thejosline.com A great selection of original and whimsical children's clothing
www.goodwerks.com Fantastic graphic artwork by Marla Goodman, who does much of the artwork for our own books and CD covers.
www.chillola.com A great fun site to introduce children to foreign languages, featuring English, Spanish, French, German and Italian.
www.amautaspanish.com Spanish for Kids.  Learn Spanish in Cusco Peru or Buenos Aires Argentina at AMAUTA Spanish Language School: Spanish Classes and Spanish Immersion programs and volunteer work, Study Spanish now.